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How to get free government smartphones in Texas?

free government smartphones in Texas

It’s no secret that the United States is a very big country. In fact, it’s one of the wealthiest countries with the most stable economic capability in the world. Nevertheless, it consists of 52 states each having different characteristics, culture, people, and way of living. That is why being able to know more about a state that you think of staying for a few months or years is a must. One policy may be different from one state to another. Aside from that, its essential also to learn the benefits that you’ll be getting while living in a particular state. There are states who will give you financial, medical assistance and even free cell phones that you could use whenever you want it.

One of those states in the USA for which you’ll enjoy these advantages is Texas. If you haven’t been around or have never known this state in the USA, then here are few basic things that you should know.

About Texas Free Government Smartphone

free government smartphones in Texas

Texas is the second largest state after Alaska in the USA. In fact, it’s larger than Germany, Japan, and even France. It is located in the southern US near states of Louisiana and Arkansas. Geographically, the region mostly comprises of deserts and pine forest with the large Rio Grande river connected to it.

Economically, Texas is one of the richest in the USA. Its abundant with natural resources predominantly agriculture, mining, and oil reserves, the fifth of the largest petroleumproducing region in the world. As of 2010, the region is said to have a very low unemployment rate with only 6.4% and the state as recorded have 346,000 millionaires living on it.

Why Texas has a Free Government Phone Program?

Despite that Texas is one of the richest states in the USA, there are at least 4,225,000 people in Texas who live still in the poverty line. That is why the Texas state of government has been doing its best to aid its people by providing assistance as much as possible to them. With this dilemma, the Texas government employ the Lifeline

Program to provide financial aid to its people. Nevertheless, the program includes Free government phones to be used by the eligible users for this program.

What is a Lifeline Program?

The Texas Lifeline Assistance is a program that is given by few wireless carriers to eligible members of the community. In this program, subscribers are offered with telecommunications services including giving free phones as needed.

This program is especially intended for lowincome families who often cannot afford to get these services. Consequently, these services are important most especially during emergencies. That is why the government is maximizing its resources by giving it freely to these privileged people.

Eligibility for Lifeline Program

Qualifications for Lifeline Program is not just based on the family income but mostly on the membership of a family member into some organizations and government –aid programs. This includes the following;

  • Tribally Administered Free Lunch Program
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
  • Health Benefits Coverage Under Child Health Plan
  • Head Start Income Eligible (Tribal Only)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • State DB Eligible
  • Section/8 Federal Housing Assistance
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Medicaid
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
  • Food Stamps/ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • National School Free Lunch Program (NSLP)
  • Tribal TANF
  • Veterans Pension or Survivors Benefit
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)

Aside from that, you could qualify for this guidelines if the household income is lower than 150% of Federal Poverty Guidelines for Texas. Nevertheless, the requirement for financial income based on the data by the same office (Federal Poverty Guidelines) in 2016 includes the following;

Persons in Household


















For each additional person, add


If you are a new applicant for this said program, you should be able to submit at least one of these proofs that you are eligible for the said program. For any queries and clarifications, you just have to contact the Texas Commission through visiting their office, email them (, or call them through their emergency number (611 or 866-488-8719). Their customer service is available Monday through Friday (8 am-10 pm), Saturday (8 am-8 pm), and Sunday (10 am-7pm).

What are these Cell Phone Providers?

If you are thinking of availing this program, then you’ll basically have to choose a wireless service to cater for you. Nonetheless, there are a lot of existing wireless carriers in the locality that you could select from. The important is that you’ll be able to choose a service provider that gives the best signal capability into your place. Here are just some of the companies that are currently available for you;

  • Access Wireless
  • Assurance Wireless
  • enTouch Wireless
  • Life Wireless
  • Q Link Wireless
  • Safelink Wireless
  • StandUp Wireless
  • Tag Mobile
  • Terracom
  • Truconnect
  • True Wireless
If you aren’t comfortable with the options above, there are companies offering discounts to its members who are eligible for Lifeline Program. This includes the following;
  • ATT Mobility
  • Total Call Mobile

Benefits with the Lifeline Program

If you qualify for the Lifeline Program, then you’ll not just have the opportunity to get a free government phone. But nonetheless, you’ll be able to enjoy some of the advantages of being a member on it. The following includes;

  • 1GB LTE Data every month
  • 750 FREE Voice minutes every month
  • Unlimited FREE Global texts every month

Aside from these benefits, a member also would be able to have an opportunity to not do any contracts with any of these wireless carriers. This means that any member will not invest money in it. Also, a member will be able to alter out different wireless carriers depending on its convenience.

Also, a member will be able to call someone anywhere in the USA with a definite ID into it as needed. He or she will be able also to do voicemail for which most wireless carriers does not include on its package.