Android How To HTC

Setup Hotspot on HTC Bolt Smartphone – HTC Hotspot Setup

Setup Hotspot on HTC Bolt Smartphone
Setup Hotspot on HTC Bolt Smartphone

Setup Hotspot on HTC Bolt Smartphone; You know that android phone has an extra opportunity that is liked by all. Today I will talk about this feature. Our blog always wants to share all phones hotspot setup tips. Our team always stays in online and provides technology related tips for all phone users. The is our other site. Okay, now this topic ends. Today I give you a description about hotspot connection then you will understand easily, what hotspot is or how to connect it. Just follow me attentively. You may want to share your Music, Videos, and Apps etc. with your friends but it is not possible if you have not Wi-Fi connection. If you use a hotspot connection you are able to share your document with your friends and family. Otherwise, your current internet connection can be shared, if you are connected to the hotspot. If you stay in a broadband area, I suggest you use this connection because it is a lower cost of internet. You can save a lot of money if you use this connection. So, guys please stay with us for more hotspot tips.

Setup Hotspot on HTC Bolt Smartphone

Setup Hotspot on HTC Bolt Smartphone
Setup Hotspot on HTC Bolt Smartphone

Steps for Setup wireless network on HTC Bolt

Step – 1: Tap your HTC Bolt mobile home screen and touch settings. Now touch a more setting thentethering and portable hotspot.

Setup hotspot on HTC Bolt
Setup hotspot on HTC Bolt

Step-2: Tap the slider next to portable wifi hotspot to turn in feature. Tap accept to continue.

Step-3: When you are use hotspot in your HTC Bolt mobile you need to disconnect your current Wifi access point.

Step-4: The portable hotspot icon is displayed at the top of your mobile screen if the portable hotspot is activating in your mobile.

Step-5: Tap a portable wifi hotspot.

Setup hotspot on HTC Bolt
Setup hotspot on HTC Bolt

Step-6: Tap a configure its help you to adjust the settings.

Step-7: Now edit the network SSID and select the security for secure your wifi hotspot.

So, type a password and save it. you should get strong password into the systems.

Read more, Setup hotspot on Huawei Y630

So, all work is done! Now come back, your any kind of wifi device. Such wifi in a moment you are able to see your portable wifi network on your wifi device.

Select the wifi network and type your password and enjoy internet.

Note: If you are a client of unlimited data plan then the wifi hotspot are more benefited for your.